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Hello ~ Ivan

Ivan Katliarchuk

Resilient, Secure, and Highly Available platforms

Working as a technology professional for the last decade on various projects and an IT enthusiast by passion. I breathe technology and know-how to determine the real problem. Have a long history in software development e.g., Java, C#, Python, NodeJs, and Golang. My main responsibility is to provide a resilient, secure, and highly available platform for our products and services to run on, and that the overall strategy for a platform is defined and delivered on time.

Problem Solving
Cloud Technologies

Tech Stack


Owner June 2020 - Present

🔧 .files, including ~/.macos — sensible hacker defaults for macOS.

Owner December 2017 - Present

Configuration files.

Obsidian Vaults
Owner December 2017 - Present

Obsidian vaults

Centralized Config
Owner December 2022 - Present

Scale configuration across multiple accounts

Knowledge Base
Owner March 2019 - Present

Public knowlege base.

Workshop: Terraform
Owner Dec 2019 - Present

AWS Workshop tutorials for Terraform

Workshop: AWS Kubernetes
Owner Dec 2019 - Present

AWS Workshop tutorials for EKS, Terraform and Terragrunt

Workshop: AWS EKS
Contributor Dec 2018 - Present

AWS Workshop tutorials for EKS.

Training: kubernetes
Contributor Mar 2018 - Present

My personal kubernetes training and certifications e.g., CKAD, CKA, CKAS

Workshop: Renovate
Owner Dec 2021 - Present

AWS Workshop tutorials for Renovate, Dependency Management

Workshop: Helm v1
Owner Feb 2021 - Present

AWS Workshop tutorials for Helm

Default community health files
Owner Mar 2021 - Present

Base blueprint
Owner Apr 2021 - Present

Base blueprint.

Blueprint: terraform
Owner Sep 2019 - Present

Blueprint for terraform projects.

Blueprint: workshop
Owner Sep 2019 - Present

Workshop showing you how to use blueprints.

Blueprint: vm(s)
Owner Nov 2019 - Present

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

Blueprint: serverless
Owner Jan 2020 - Present

Serverless blueprint.

Blueprint: aws serverless function
Owner Jan 2020 - Present

AWS NodeJs serverless blueprint.

Blueprint: performance project
Owner May 2020 - Present

AWS NodeJs serverless blueprint.

Blueprint: github action generic.
Owner May 2021 - Present

Github actions blueprint.

Blueprint: github action typescrip
Owner May 2021 - Present

Github actions typescript blueprint.

Automation: mixed pipelines helpers and mixins
Owner May 2020 - Present

Pipeline examples: Jenkins, CodeBuild, Github Actions and etc

Terraform: aws eks profile module
Owner Dec 2019 - Present

Manages an AWS EKS Fargate Profile.

Terraform: aws cloudfront module
Owner Aug 2020 - Present

AWS Cloudfront distribution module.

Terraform: aws kms module
Owner Nov 2020 - Present

AWS KMS module.

Terraform: aws lambda module
Owner Aug 2019 - Present

Deploy serverless function to AWS VPC.

Terraform: aws enforce MFA module
Owner Jun 2020 - Present

Enforce MFA policy for AWS IAM groups and users

Terraform: kubernetes velero module
Owner Dec 2019 - Present

Manages Kubernetes Velero deployment

Terraform: aws proxy nginx module
Owner Dec 2019 - Present

Deploy NGINX proxy with SSH

Terraform: helm release module
Owner Aug 2019 - Present

Wrapper for Terraform Helm provider

Terraform: aws IAM module
Owner Dec 2018 - Present

AWS IAM roles setup. TODO: move to terraform modules

Terraform: aws ECS module
Owner May 2022 - Present

Terraform module which creates AWS ECS resources.

Terraform: aws ECR module
Owner May 2022 - Present

Terraform module which creates AWS ECR resources.

Terraform: aws ECS bootstrap module
Owner July 2022 - Present

Terraform module which creates AWS ECS resources.

Terraform: AWS GitHub OIDC module
Owner July 2022 - Present

Fully configurable terraform module to access AWS APIs from Github Actions through OpenID Connect.

Terraform: AWS GitLAb OIDC module
Owner July 2022 - Present

Fully configurable terraform module to access AWS APIs from GitLAb through OpenID Connect.

Terraform: Documentation
Owner July 2022 - Present

All supported terraform modules in single repo.

iac: learn opa
Owner Dec 2022 - Present

Evaluate how to use opa.

Docker: tools
Owner Mar 2020 - Present

Docker tooling for multiple use cases.

Docker: compose starter
Owner Jan 2017 - Present

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

VM(s): boxes
Owner Sep 2019 - Present

Virtual machines used in hobbies and development environment(s). Packer, Vagrant

VM(s): vagrant
Owner Jan 2017 - Present

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

VM(s): factory
Owner May 2020 - Present

Assembling vms here.

VM(s): packer aws AMI with tools installed
Owner May 2022 - Present

Assembling AMI on AWS with Packer.

VM(s): provision
Owner May 2020 - Present

Assembling vms here.

Helper: tools and scripts
Owner Jan 2018 - Present

A collection of scripts

Helper: automate code review
Owner Oct 2022 - Present

Automate code review

Helper: kubernetes fixtures with examples
Owner Oct 2019 - Present

Kubernetes fixtures

Helper: makefiles
Owner Jan 2019 - Present

Collection of directives used by a make build automation tool to generate a target/goal

Owner Jan 2022 - Present

AWS resources compute CPU&Memory and Instance count

Go: hackerrank challanges
Owner Mar 2018 - Present

Golang remote interview training & challanges

NodeJS: protect IAM secrets
Owner Sep 2019 - Present

AWS protect IAM secrets. Delete when expired.

NodeJS: SNS to Slack subscriber
Owner Sep 2019 - Present

AWS SNS slack subscriber implemented in nodejs.

NodeJS: AWS Step function monitor
Owner Mar 2019 - Present

AWS Step function Cloudwatch monitor

NodeJS: AWS Cloudwatch logs strem cleaner
Owner Setp 2019 - Present

A small module to streamline some of the cleanup operations required when when working with AWS CloudWatch logs

NodeJS: personal tutorials
Owner Feb 2017 - Present

NodeJS javascript screencast

Python: hackerrank algorithms
Owner Nov 2016 - Present

Hackerrank algorithm solutions in Python

Python: AWS serverless networking debug
Owner Setp 2019 - Present

Serverless networking debug

Cloud Init: examples
Owner May 2019 - Present

Industry standard multi-distribution method for cross-platform cloud instance initialization

Blueprint: artilerry project
Owner May 2020 - Present

Artillery is a modern load testing and smoke testing solution

Blueprint: K6 project
Owner May 2020 - Present

k6 is an open-source load testing tool for API performance testing

Blueprint: gatling project
Owner May 2020 - Present

Gatling is an open-source load testing tool for web applications, designed for DevOps and CI

Pentesting: lerning examples
Owner Jan 2020 - Present

Learn penetsing practices

Fastlane: plugin upload to SauceLabs
Owner Aug 2021 - Present

Fastlane plugin to automate Sauce Labs build deployments and testing

Load Generator
Owner Jun 2020

Load generator mparticle example

Renovate: Universal dependency update tool
Contributor 2021 - Present

multiple issues and bug fixes

is: Type check values
Contributor 2022 - Present

bug fixes and optimisations

Danger-js: Universal automated code review tool
Contributor 2022 - Present

bug fixes and optimisations

Crossplane(provider-aws): Crossplane AWS Provider
Contributor 2023 - Present

bug fixes, new features and improvements

Traefik helm: Traefik Proxy Helm Chart
Contributor 2022 - Present

bug fixes and optimisations

Gitlab on Kubernetes helm: Official Helm Chart for the GitLab Runner
Contributor 2024 - Present

code coverage and new capabilities

ExternalDNS: Configure external DNS servers (AWS Route53, Google CloudDNS and others) for Kubernetes Ingresses and Services
Contributor 2023 - Present

code coverage and new capabilities kubernetes-sigs:member

goccy go-yaml: This library has NO relation to the go-yaml/yaml library
Contributor 2025 - Present

YAML support for the Go language

Rest Api: hello-world
Owner Jan 2020 - Present

A simple REST Service.


BSc (Honours) Computing and IT
Taken Courses:
  • Software engineering (TM354)
  • Developing concurrent distributed systems (M362)
  • Web, mobile and cloud technologies (TM352)
Diploma of Higher Education in Computing and IT
Taken Courses:
  • Algorithms, data structures and computability (M269)
  • Web technologies (TT284)
  • Software development with Java (M256)
  • Object-oriented Java programming (M250)
  • Technologies in practice (TM129)
  • Discovering mathematics (MU123)
  • My digital life (TU100)
Radio Physics & Engineering
Taken Courses:
  • Process modeling of micro-, opto-, and nanoelectronics
  • Design Automation in Electronics
  • Identification, access and surveillance systems
  • Information processing methods


McKinsey platform by the numbers (Senior DevOps & SRE)

RBS automation and DevOps practices (DevOps SME)

Hermes Print-in-Store (Senior Engineer & DevOPs)

Hermes and Starship Technologies (Senior Engineer)

Office for National Statistics Platform (Platform Lead)

Comic Relief Platform by the numbers (Technical Consultant)