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Request a pay rise based on recent achievements#

  • Exceptional Team Growth and Management: Successfully expanded the engineering team, effectively handling increased workload and responsibilities while maintaining team morale and productivity.

  • Impeccable Incident Management: Demonstrated remarkable leadership by ensuring a smooth financial year-end without any major infrastructure incidents or disruptions, showcasing strong crisis management skills.

  • Roadmap Achievement: Spearheaded the completion of a substantial portion of the 2023 roadmap items, highlighting your dedication to driving projects to successful outcomes.

  • Personal Objective Attainment: Exemplary performance in achieving all personal objectives set for the year 2023, reflecting a consistent commitment to professional growth and development.

  • Cost Savings through Leadership: Led the team to achieve significant cost savings through efficient resource allocation and innovative solutions, showcasing your ability to drive financial efficiency.

  • Hands-on Contribution: Went above and beyond by actively participating in engineering tasks when required, highlighting your dedication and versatility in contributing directly to the team's success.

  • Consistent Performance: Maintained a high level of performance consistently throughout the year, showcasing your dedication and reliability as an engineering manager.

  • Positive Team Dynamics: Fostered a positive team culture, leading to enhanced collaboration, effective communication, and overall improved team dynamics.

  • Strategic Problem-Solving: Demonstrated strong analytical and problem-solving skills in addressing challenges, showcasing your ability to navigate complex situations with well-thought-out strategies.

  • Value to the Organization: Your leadership and contributions have not only ensured the team's success but have also positively impacted the organization's bottom line through successful project deliveries, cost savings, and efficient resource utilization.

These bullet points effectively highlight your achievements, contributions, and leadership qualities, making a compelling case for a well-deserved pay rise.