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CMOC Checklist#

Shift Start#

Declaring an Incident#

checklist for starting and incident:

  • For the CMOC - post in #incident-management that you are the CMOC - cross post to #support_gitlab-com if needed
  • Create the production issue if possible. In slack: /start-incident or if you have an alert in alerts-general - click the Open Issue button in the thread.
  • Create an incident in - make sure you check the options to broadcast to slack, twitter, etc
  • If you don't have full specifics, get the incident created in and first tweet out with a more generic "We are seeing elevated error rates on". It is better to have a post sooner with investigating than waiting 5 minutes to know more.
  • Create a google doc from the shared template
  • Update Slack and the incident with links to the issue number and google docs.
  • Check with incident team. Are they all in the same channel, gdoc, on the zoom as needed. Coordinate and consolidate communication
  • Set a timer for 15 minutes to remind yourself to update and tweet
  • Start to gather overall summary and look to write up an executive summary in the production issue or gdoc for others in the company
  • Check in with incident team:
  • Do they need more people or expertise? Broadcast and ask for help as soon as you know it is needed.
  • Clear the deck - make sure other changes / teams know an incident is going on
  • Clear the deck - cancel other meetings as needed.

Taking Ownership of an Incident#