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Gitlab On-call Run Books#

This project provides a guidance for Infrastructure Reliability Engineers and Managers who are starting an on-call shift or responding to an incident. If you haven't yet, review the Incident Management page in the handbook before reading on.


GitLab Reliability Engineers and Managers provide 24x7 on-call coverage to ensure incidents are responded to promptly and resolved as quickly as possible.


We use PagerDuty to manage our on-call schedule and incident alerting. We currently have two escalation policies for , one for Production Incidents and the other for Production Database Assistance. They are staffed by SREs and DBREs, respectively, and Reliability Engineering Managers.

Currently, rotations are weekly and the day's schedule is split 12/12 hours with engineers on call as close to daytime hours as their geographical region allows. We hope to hire so that shifts are an 8/8/8 hours split, but we're not staffed sufficiently yet across timezones.

Joining the On-Call Rotation#

When a new engineer joins the team and is ready to start shadowing for an on-call rotation, overrides should be enabled for the relevant on-call hours during that rotation. Once they have completed shadowing and are comfortable/ready to be inserted into the primary rotations, update the membership list for the appropriate schedule to add the new team member.

This pagerduty forum post was referenced when setting up the blank shadow schedule and initial overrides for on-boarding new team member


To start with the right foot let's define a set of tasks that are nice things to do before you go any further in your week

By performing these tasks we will keep the broken window effect under control, preventing future pain and mess.

Things to keep an eye on#


First check the on-call issues to familiarize yourself with what has been happening lately. Also, keep an eye on the #production and #incident-management channels for discussion around any on-going issues.


Start by checking how many alerts are in flight right now

  • go to the fleet overview dashboard and check the number of Active Alerts, it should be 0. If it is not 0
    • go to the alerts dashboard and check what is being triggered
    • watch the #alerts and #feed_alerts-general channels for alert notifications; each alert here should point you to the right runbook to fix it.
    • if they don't, you have more work to do.
    • be sure to create an issue, particularly to declare toil so we can work on it and suppress it.

Prometheus targets down#

Check how many targets are not scraped at the moment. alerts are in flight right now, to do this:

  • go to the fleet overview dashboard and check the number of Targets down. It should be 0. If it is not 0
    • go to the [targets down list] and check what is.
    • try to figure out why there is scraping problems and try to fix it. Note that sometimes there can be temporary scraping problems because of exporter errors.
    • be sure to create an issue, particularly to declare toil so we can work on it and suppress it.


First: don't panic.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, escalate to the IMOC. Whoever is in that role can help you get other people to help with whatever is needed. Our goal is to resolve the incident in a timely manner, but sometimes that means slowing down and making sure we get the right people involved. Accuracy is as important or more than speed.

Roles for an incident can be found in the incident management section of the handbook

If you need to declare an incident, follow these instructions located in the handbook.

Communication Tools#

If you do end up needing to post and update about an incident, we use

On, you can Make an incident and Tweet, post to Slack, IRC, Webhooks, and email via checkboxes on creating or updating the incident.

The incident will also have an affected infrastructure section where you can pick components of the application and the underlying services/containers should we have an incident due to a provider.

You can update incidents with the Update Status button on an existing incident, again you can tweet, etc from that update point.

Remember to close out the incident when the issue is resolved. Also, when possible, put the issue and/or google doc in the post mortem link.

Production Incidents#

Reporting and incident#


During an incident, we have roles defined in the handbook

General guidelines for production incidents.#

  • Is this an emergency incident?
    • Are we losing data?
    • Is not working or offline?
    • Has the incident affected users for greater than 1 hour?
  • Join the #incident management channel
  • If the point person needs someone to do something, give a direct command: @someone: please run this command
  • Be sure to be in sync - if you are going to reboot a service, say so: I'm bouncing server X
  • If you have conflicting information, stop and think, bounce ideas, escalate
  • Gather information when the incident is done - logs, samples of graphs, whatever could help figuring out what happened
  • use /security if you have any security concerns and need to pull in the Security Incident Response team


Frontend Services#

Supporting Services#






Non-Core Applications#




Alerting and monitoring#


Access Requests#


Work with the fleet and the rails app#

Restore Backups#

Work with storage#

Mangle front end load balancers#

Work with Chef#

Work with CI Infrastructure#

Work with Infrastructure Providers (VMs)#

Manually ban an IP or netblock#

Dealing with Spam#

Manage Marvin, our infra bot#

ElasticStack (previously Elasticsearch)#

Selected elastic documents and resources:

ElasticStack integration in Gitlab (indexing Gitlab data)#


Selected logging documents and resources:

Internal DNS#

Debug and monitor#





Manage Package Signing Keys#

Other Servers and Services#

Adding runbooks rules#

  • Make it quick - add links for checks
  • Don't make me think - write clear guidelines, write expectations
  • Recommended structure
  • Symptoms - how can I quickly tell that this is what is going on
  • Pre-checks - how can I be 100% sure
  • Resolution - what do I have to do to fix it
  • Post-checks - how can I be 100% sure that it is solved
  • Rollback - optional, how can I undo my fix

Developing in this repo#

Generating a new runbooks image#

To generate a new image you must follow the git commit guidelines below, this will trigger a semantic version bump which will then cause a new pipeline that will build and tag the new image

Git Commit Guidelines#

This project uses Semantic Versioning. We use commit messages to automatically determine the version bumps, so they should adhere to the conventions of Conventional Commits (v1.0.0-beta.2).


  • Commit messages starting with fix: trigger a patch version bump
  • Commit messages starting with feat: trigger a minor version bump
  • Commit messages starting with BREAKING CHANGE: trigger a major version bump.
  • If you don't want to publish a new image, do not use the above starting strings.

Automatic versioning#

Each push to master triggers a semantic-release CI job that determines and pushes a new version tag (if any) based on the last version tagged and the new commits pushed. Notice that this means that if a Merge Request contains, for example, several feat: commits, only one minor version bump will occur on merge. If your Merge Request includes several commits you may prefer to ignore the prefix on each individual commit and instead add an empty commit summarizing your changes like so:

git commit --allow-empty -m '[BREAKING CHANGE|feat|fix]: <changelog summary message>'

Tool Versioning#

This project has adopted adsf version-manager for tool versioning.

Installation instructions for asdf can be found at

For compatibility, please configure the following line in ~/.asdfrc

legacy_version_file = yes

Dependencies and required tooling#

Following tools and libraries are required to develop dashboards locally:

  • Go programming langugage
  • Ruby programming language
  • go-jsonnet - Jsonnet implementation written in Go
  • jsonnet-bunder - package manager for Jsonnet
  • jq - command line JSON processor

You can install most of them using asdf tool.

Manage your dependencies using asdf#

Our asdf toolset uses the following plugins:

  • golang: asdf plugin add golang
  • ruby: asdf plugin add ruby
  • go-jsonnet: asdf plugin add go-jsonnet.
  • jsonnet-bundler: asdf plugin add jb.

Once you have installed these plugins, run the following command to install the required versions.

$ asdf install
go-jsonnet 0.16.0 is already installed
golang 1.14 is already installed
ruby 2.6.5 is already installed
$ # Confirm everything is working with....
$ asdf current
go-jsonnet     0.16.0   (set by ~/runbooks/.tool-versions)
golang         1.14     (set by ~/runbooks/.tool-versions)
ruby           2.6.5    (set by ~/runbooks/.ruby-version)

You don't need to use asdf, but in such case you will need install all dependencies manually and track their versions.

Go, Jsonnet#

We use .tool-versions to record the version of go-jsonnet that should be used for local development. The asdf version manager is used by some team members to automatically switch versions based on the contents of this file. It should be kept up to date. The top-level Dockerfile contains the version of go-jsonnet we use in CI. This should be kept in sync with .tool-versions, and a (non-gating) CI job enforces this.

To install go-jsonnet, you have a few options.

You could follow that project's README to install manually;

Or via homebrew:

brew install go-jsonnet
Or if you're using asdf, you can use an asdf plugin.


Additional to adsf, many developers use rbenv, rvm or other tooling, so, for convenience, we maintain the standard .ruby-version file for the Ruby version. ASDF needs to be configured using the legacy_version_file = yes setting described in the parent section.


Please see the contribution guidelines

But always remember!#

Dont Panic