k8s tooling
Kubernetes Tooling#
Workflow and Automation#
Cluster Management/Dashboards#
- Kubernetes instance calculator
- Thanos
- DevSpace
- Weave Scope Dashboard
- Kubrics Dashboard
- Kubernator Dashboard
- Konstellate Dashboard
- k8dash Dashboard
- Octant Dashboard
- Pre Scaler
- Node Problem Detector
- GKE Monitoring
- Loghous/Papertrail
- Kubernets Web UI Dashboard official
- Kubernets Karpor web UI
- Kubernetes UI focused on extensibility. Headlamp
- Kubernetes Dashboard in Terminal
Logging & Monitoring command liners#
Kubernetes Visualizers#
Kubernetes Costs & Optimisation#
- K8s cost optimisation
- OpenCost
- Krossboard: Centralized Multi-Cluster Kubernetes Usage Accounting
- KubeCost: Cross-cloud cost allocation
- KubeGreen
- Snorlax
- K8s Cleaner
- Kube Downscaler
- Kube Startup CPU boost
AWS Specific K8s Tooling#
- Kubernetes testing tools
- Sonobuoy
- Jetstack Preflight
- KuberHealthy
- Canary checker
- TestKube: dual license
- Security.info: Kubernetes Security
- Kubernetes Attack Matrix
- Kubernetes hardening(hardeneks)
- K8s cluster sanitizer
- KubeHunter
- Kube Bench
- TwistLock
- Kritis Supply Chain Software
- Kubernetes Rules
- Scans live Kubernetes
- Kuberntes Inspection MKIT
- Policy Management
- Kubi Scanner
- Kube Scan
- Polaris
- StarBoard
- Kubernetes Inspector
- Docker Bench
- K8s guard: Kubernetes Authentication & Authorization WebHook Server
- Falco: runtime security
- KubeScape: k8s security CIS
- InToto: supply chain security
- Capsule
Pod Security#
Keycloak and Authentic#
K8s manage Secrets#
K8s Terminal Tools#
K8s Bots#
Vendors to manage Clusters#
- Transfer App To local machine. Telepresence
- Update Container from Local. KSync
- Debug Apps. KubectlDebug
- Debug. Squash
- Sync
- Kube score
Multi Cloud#
End of Life and Deprecations#
- End of life products
- Check Deprecation in k8s
- Kube Deprecations (kubent)
- Kube Deprecations (kubepug)
- Cluster Lint
Cluster Chores#
K8S Drainer#
- automatic-remediation-of-kubernetes-nodes
- Scurio: Alertmanager to Kubernetes Node conditions bridge
- Draino: drains nodes but does so based on Kubernetes node conditions
- Node problem detector is a daemon that runs on each node that detects problems and reports them to the Kubernetes API.
- Kured: Kubernetes Reboot Daemon